Canon’s Close Christmas Lunch

Canons Close XmasOn Tuesday December 9th the residents of Canons Close had their usual Christmas get together. We were joined on this occasion by Mrs Joanne Mawdsley, the founder of “Legacy at Rainbow House”,  a  charity which she set up for disabled children, and which became the chosen charity of the Canons Close residents. Joanne was presented with a cheque for £530-00 by Mrs Edith Bleakley the secretary/ treasurer and general ringleader of this motley crew, the money being raised by bring and buy sales and raffles. The residents also donated £50-00 to the Canons Close pastoral fund, which was gratefully accepted by W.Bro John J. Tyler on behalf of the committee.

One thought on “Canon’s Close Christmas Lunch

  1. John Tiler Reply

    Mrs Edith Bleackley and Mr Gordon Rosbotham assisted by their respective spouses do a great and very worth while job at Canon’s Close by organising a get together for all the residents on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Tea and cakes are provided and the raffle raises money that is donated to charity. The main thing being everyone has a fun time and a good chat.
    Well done to all concerned.
    John Tiler.
    Chairman Management Committee

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