Canons Close Christmas Meeting

Once again the residents of Canons Close gathered for an afternoon of FUN and feasting.

Warm mince pies Christmas cake, white and red wine in abundance and raffle prizes galore. The Chairman and Secretary of the Canons Close Committee, WBro John Tiler and WBro Ray Wilkinson came along to present each resident with a gift and card from the Committee.

The resident’s group through the year raised a total of £415-00 to be donated to Legacy at Rainbow House, our chosen Charity, which with gift aid takes it over the £500 mark. WBro Gordon Rosbotham presented a Cheque to Emma Parish the fundraiser for Rainbow House.

May I personally thank all the residents for their donations and continued support over the past year.

WBro Gordon E. Rosbotham

Group Scribe/Treasurer.

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