Canons Close News

CC1The morning mists rolling across the gardens
make us aware that Autumn is creeping up on us.
The gardens though are still very colourful with begonias
and lobelia while the newly planted roses are still flowering.

We have had quite a few changes of occupancy over the month
or two but everyone seems to be settling in well.
Our monthly meetings are ongoing, in August we had a well
known East Lancs Mason giving us a talk about the “Karnival”
in Germany which he has attended for over twenty years….
(do you recognise him?)

He brought along wigs, masks and costumes and the residents dressed
up in them which caused much laughter. His talk was very interesting
(no one went to sleep!)

The occasion was also Gordon Powell’s birthday
so we celebrated with a glass (or two) of wine and a cake.
Once more a goodly sum was raised for charity with a raffle and sale
of cakes, recycled cards and books (thanks to John Tiler for replenishing
our library)

PS:- The masked man is WBro David Bleackley.

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