Canons Close News

On the 8th March the residents of Canons Close were entertained by magician
Eddie Hilton. He had visited once before but this time he presented a whole new
Magic Show, which amazed and delighted everyone.

After refreshments including Gordon Rosbothams now famous sherry and almond
cake, Eddie left but not before giving us a very generous donation for charity.
Thank you very much Eddie. (Incidentally Eddie is available for functions and childrens parties).

On the 12th April, it being the nearest meeting to the Queens Birthday, a hot lunch
was held to celebrate. All food and wine was donated along with a beautiful doll
handmade by Frances Rosbotham, for which we had a Guess the Name competition.
The afternoon raised £145.00 for The Legacy Rainbow House.

I would like to thank everyone who supports the group with time and donations,
Every little helps to make a difference to the children at Rainbow House.
Geoff Bleackley.

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