Canons Close News

The residents September meeting was once again an afternoon of friendly conversation as we had no speaker. Everyone was brought up to date on the Homewatch Scheme and a notice issued by the police about bogus Salesmen doing the rounds purporting to be homeless.

All our unwanted books were taken to the charity shop and the space refilled with new titles. As we had been given a number of videos we decided to rent them out for 50p. Once again we enjoyed Gordon’s lovely baking, he substituted
Brandy for Sherry in his Almond cake and it was very moorish!

On to October when despite protestations about them being too hard, we had an easy Music Quiz with songs of our era where everyone could recall the songs of their youth……and let’s face it anything that keep the brain ticking
over can only be good.

The gardener is being kept busy clearing the leaves and it is almost time for the last mowing; before we know it the Christmas lights will be going up. We are already planning the residents party for December when we have our
final big raffle and present our cheques to Rainbow House and Canons Close.

Time flies when you’re having fun. !

Geoff Bleackley.

2 thoughts on “Canons Close News

  1. Elsie Powell Reply

    Our November meeting was interesting,we had David Bleackley who gave a talk
    on his years in the police ,it was nice to hear about the people and places we recognised .Our Golden pot was drawn and won by Gordon Powell,the money goes to the charity we support LEGACY AT RAINBOW HOUSE. all raised by raffles and sales of books Looking forward to Dec meeting our big christmas raffle ,hoping for a good turnout

  2. Jacqueline Mcguinness Reply

    The music quiz was very good, songs with colours in certainly taxed the brain cells, and the carrot cake made by Francis was a delight, so moist and light. Looking forward to next month.

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