Canons Close News

At our November meeting, we welcomed David Bleackley who gave a talk on the changing face of the police force. It brought back many memories of the “Good old days”.

Canon Close poppy Display
Canons Close poppy display

Afterwards we drew our Pot of Gold winner…envelopes containing £1 are dropped in a pot all year then the winning name gets half the contents, the other half going to the Rainbow House charity.

The winner was Gordon Powell who very generously donated the £45 back to Rainbow House. Refreshments made by Frances, Gordon and Brenda Birchby followed with a welcome brew on a cold afternoon.

On the morning of the 11th November we saw a beautiful display of poppies in the garden facing Barlow House, these had been made by Frances and Gordon Rosbotham – I think you will agree they are a poignant and meaningful tribute
to all the fallen brave men.

” We will remember them”.

Geoff Bleackley.

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