Canons Close News

Sonia Harris gratefully receiving a cheque from WBro Gordon Rosbotham
Sonia Harris gratefully receiving a cheque from WBro Gordon Rosbotham

The usual Canons Close December meeting took place on the 13th December. Two of our stalwarts were unfortunately absent – Geoff & Edith Bleakley (who are both being kept in a secure wing somewhere). Get well soon both of you, for those who don’t know they both have broken legs and are now in Laburnum Court in adjoining rooms.

The residents group had a very enjoyable afternoon eating warm mince pies, Christmas cake and the odd glass of wine (or two). W.Bro. John Tiler, the Chairman of the Canons Close committee attended with his wife Eva, and was presented with a cheque towards the Canons Close pastoral fund. We were also joined by Ms Sonia Harris (from our “pet” charity Legacy at Rainbow House), who brought with her some handmade gifts from the children.

W.Bro. Gordon Rosbotham presented Sonia with a cheque for £650-00 – this was raised by the residents of Canons Close from raffles, book sales etc. Thanks to all who have given their support throughout the year, and to those people who so generously donated raffle prizes for our Christmas raffle.

Gordon Rosbotham.

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