Canons Close – Update

Canons Close Residents
Canons Close Residents

October and the beginning of November proved to be quite hectic here. The car parking areas were being resurfaced, so all vehicles had to be moved off to accommodate the large machinery on site. The end result was well worth the inconvenience caused. Peter the Gardener has planted two conifers in the garden and festooned them with lights which should brighten the dark nights during Christmas. The last of the new residents have moved in and seem happy.

The residents meeting in Barlow House took place on the 8th December.There was a good turn out of 23 residents plus Sonia and Amber the two representatives from Rainbow House, who came bearing gifts (wrapped by the children) one for

WBro Gordon Rosbotham (Super Moras 1042) presents £500 cheque to Sonia Harris from Legacy at Rainbow House.
WBro Gordon Rosbotham (Super Moras 1042) presents £500 cheque to Sonia Harris from Legacy at Rainbow House.

Gordon Rosbotham our Rainbow Charity Representative, presented Sonia with a cheque for £500 on behalf of Canons Close residents, which she Accepted with profuse thanks. A cheque was also given to ELMBF for the Canons Close Pastoral Fund for £50. Dennis Scowcroft along with Ray Wilkinson represented the Committee. Ray brought along Christmas parcels and cards for everyone.The raffle which raised £145 was then drawn with the first prize of a hamper going to our newest resident Tom Mc Guinness.

The festivities carried on with wine, mince tarts, birthday cake and other treats as I had celebrated my 80th birthday the previous day. In all a good (if very noisy) time was had by all, here at Canons Close.

We would all like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas with Peace, Good Health and Happiness to follow in the New Year.

Geoff Bleackley

2 thoughts on “Canons Close – Update

  1. JJ Tiler Reply

    Many thanks to all at Canon’s Close for putting up with all the inconveniences this year moving cars, accommodating skips etc.
    Special thanks to Edith, Geoff, Gordon & Francis who put in so much effort on behalf of the residents. It is much appreciated.
    Happy Christmas to all

  2. G. W. Davis Reply

    What a superb advert for ‘the Friendly Degree’. So gratifying to know that our older members, their families and our friends have somewhere they can find the sort of camaraderie and friendship we all seek to enjoy, no matter what our age or situation.
    Congratulations to the management committee and their supporters on setting a continuing and exemplary example on our behalf.

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