Canons Close Update

Ongoing works at Canons Close
Ongoing works at Canons Close

Canons Close is a hive of activity at present with four of the bungalows being re-roofed, the other five being done recently. The weather so far has been kind to the builders, it was dry and sunny all last week. They built a scaffold bridge to avoid having to go up and down the steps and it worked extremely well.

The residents had a quiet meeting in May, only eight members but we chatted away trying to sort out the EU issue among other topics and two hours flew past. We do not meet in June as a lot of people seem to take holidays then. I suppose it is a throwback to the June Wakes week…..old traditions die hard in this part of the world.

Peter the gardener has been busy planting begonias and potting up the tubs and wall baskets which are lovely every year. Let’s hope the warm weather continues , we all feel better when the sun is shining !

Geoff Bleackley.

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