Christmas 2019 – I may be able to help.

W Bro Barry R Heal PDepGSwdB Provincial Grand AlmonerAs Provincial Almoner for this great Province of ours, I am offering to help anyone in need or distress including our own Brethren, their immediate family, widows, partners and dependents of East Lancashire Mark Masons.
If you are alone, perhaps feeling vulnerable and insecure, and unable to turn to relatives or close friends for comfort and support I may be able to help.… Read more “Christmas 2019 – I may be able to help.”

Oscar’s Happy Feet are Dancing to a New Tune!

This is Oscar Grainger and his family at the Masonic Hall in Paignton. R.W.Bro. Peter Balsom, Provincial Grand Master for Devonshire and his Executive, along with W.Bro. Darren Coleman-Heald, P.A.G.D.C., Charities Manager at Mark Masons’ Hall, were representing the Mark Benevolent Fund to present a cheque for £6,000, giving Oscar the final piece of …………read more 


Volunteers with St John Ambulance, the nation’s leading first aid charity, took time out recently to say thank you to the Masons for the donation of a new ambulance which will be based at the charity’s Denton unit.

The new ambulance is one of over 50 vehicles which are being handed over in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands in a phased programme from October 2017 and throughout 2018.… Read more “ST JOHN AMBULANCE VOLUNTEERS THANK MASONS FOR NEW AMBULANCE”