On Tuesday 19th March, 22 Acting Provincial Officers of the year accompanied the PGM RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren together with his Deputy PGM VWBro John Hartley Smith and Assistant PGMs WBro Gerald Noel Howard Young and VWBro David Hedley Thompson to the
Category: Charity
Faith 20 Mark & RAM
Advancement at Quatuor Legati Lodge No 1165
On Tuesday 12th February Quatuor Legati Mark Lodge No 1165 held their meeting with 20 Mark Masons in attendance.
Representing the Provincial Grand Master, WBro Keith Doyle witnessed the Advancement of Bro.Gordon Haswell Hartley. The Ceremony was started by the WM WBro Derek Bennett and completed with the assistance of WBro Dennis Scowcroft who did an outstanding job.… Read more “Advancement at Quatuor Legati Lodge No 1165”
Canons Close Christmas Meeting
Mossley Lodges Sunday Social
On Sunday December 2nd at the Printers Arms in Denshaw , Saddleworth the 4 Mark and RAM Lodges based in Mossley (Rose of York 1010 and Mossley 1381) once again joined forces to hold their annual Sunday Social.
A total of 28 Brethren with their Ladies and friends braved the foul weather to enjoy a couple of hours together.… Read more “Mossley Lodges Sunday Social”
Another 100 not out for Canon’s Close !
Mrs Jenny Collier reached the wonderful age of 100 on 20th October 2018.
Attending the celebrations on behalf of the Mark Degree were the Provincial Grand Master and his wife Leslie. The Chairman of the ELMBF Howard Nuttall and his wife Carole.… Read more “Another 100 not out for Canon’s Close !”
PGM presents Lady Grand Patron Diamond Award
The PGM RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren recently attended Starkie Royal Ark Mariners No 159 to hear a lecture given by VWBro David Anderson.
He was offered the gavel on entry but declined. He stayed throughout the meeting and joined us at the Festive Board, where we were then joined by Mrs Barbara Peters and her husband WBro John Peters.… Read more “PGM presents Lady Grand Patron Diamond Award”