St Andrews Mark Lodge No 34 – 150th Celebration Meeting

St Andrews 34 Mark Token

On Tuesday 19th March, 22 Acting Provincial Officers of the year accompanied the PGM RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren together with his Deputy PGM VWBro John Hartley Smith and Assistant PGMs WBro Gerald Noel Howard Young and VWBro David Hedley Thompson to the

Faith 20 Mark & RAM

WBro Martin Caller ProvGSW with WM WBro Craig Wood

At Middleton Masonic Hall last night, one of the oldest Lodges in the Province, Faith 20 held their Mark meeting preceded by a brief meeting of the RAM Lodge. In attendance was the Deputy PGM, VWBro John Hartley Smith who was accompanied by a Deputation of

Canons Close Christmas Meeting

Once again the residents of Canons Close gathered for an afternoon of FUN and feasting.

Warm mince pies Christmas cake, white and red wine in abundance and raffle prizes galore. The Chairman and Secretary of the Canons Close Committee, WBro

Mossley Lodges Sunday Social

On Sunday December 2nd at the Printers Arms in Denshaw , Saddleworth the 4 Mark and RAM Lodges based in Mossley (Rose of York 1010 and Mossley 1381) once again joined forces to hold their annual Sunday Social.

A total of 28 Brethren with their Ladies and friends braved the foul weather to enjoy a couple of hours together.… Read more “Mossley Lodges Sunday Social”