Double Chance Draw Winners

Latest winners of the £20 prize are WBros:

Ron Wadeson – Turton RAM 1300
John Welsby – F.W.Broadbent RAM 1132
Colin Bodimeade = Manchester Keystone 745
Peter Faulkner – Friendship 1459
Eddie Barton – Union 171
Bernard Percy – Fabric 939
Tony Cleworth – Temperance 56

Congratulations to all and good luck to all other entrants in the main draw next May !… Read more “Double Chance Draw Winners”

Regalia Sales now £30000 !

It’s now 4 years since I launched this initiative by selling off the old Craft 2015 Festival Ties, the original idea was to raise a couple of hundred quid for the Mark 2021 Festival.

It therefore gives me great pleasure to say a massive –

for all the support I’ve had since then from throughout the Province.… Read more “Regalia Sales now £30000 !”

Quatuor Legati Mark Lodge (QL) 1165 – Our Weekend In St Anne’s

Forty six members’ wives and friends spent a wonderful weekend at the Clifton Park Hotel.
Having a lazy lunch on Friday and spending the afternoon chilling out we had dinner at 7pm.
followed by entertainment and dancing.

It was a special occasion for two of our ladies Mrs Audrey Fair who was celebrating her 89th birthday and Mrs Elsie Whiteside (life & soul of the party) celebrating her 96th birthday.… Read more “Quatuor Legati Mark Lodge (QL) 1165 – Our Weekend In St Anne’s”

Berlin Wall Walk

After a 33 hour walk East Lancs Mark Mason John Cavanagh completed his mammoth 101 ml Around the former walled in City of West Berlin along the former route of the Berlin Wall. John was accompanied along the way by Graham Rawlinson and for 3 days by Paul Waring & Chris Bolton and they all passed under the Brandenburg Gate still walking at a hearty pace.… Read more “Berlin Wall Walk”

Boarshurst Silver Band receive £3500 ELMBF Donation

Last Sunday evening, WBro Howard Nuttall ELMBF Chairman, WBro Malcolm McCarthy ELMBF Secretary and I made our way to sunny Greenfield in Oldham to attend a “Night at the Movies” Concert given by Boarshurst Silver Band.

We were accompanied by our Ladies Mrs Carol Nuttall, Mrs Joan McCarthy and Mrs Christine Errock who, together with the large Band Club audience, thoroughly enjoyed the spectacle of some amazing music whilst watching edited film clips on the large screen.… Read more “Boarshurst Silver Band receive £3500 ELMBF Donation”

Hog Roast

Despite the attraction of the England v Panama match (which surprisingly did not seem to concern the PGM), the sunshine at Middleton Masonic Hall yesterday proved a winner as a multitude of Brethren with their Ladies and guests turned up to enjoy the annual Hog Roast.… Read more “Hog Roast”