Brethren of the Royal Ark Mariners Lodges based at Westholme, Rose of York 1010 and Mossley 1381 this morning announced their plans to build a life-sized replica of Noahs Ark in the car park at Mossley Masonic Hall. Sponsors are needed to raise funds for the East Lancs Mark 2021 MBF Festival.… Read more “SPONSORED ARK BUILD AT MOSSLEY”

Skelmersdale Mark 141 Installation

Tuesday 20th February saw the installation of Bro Peter Cole into the Chair of Adoniram. The meeting was attended by APGM WBro Tony Davies and a small delegation of acting Provincial Officers.

The new Worshipful Master announced he was very pleased with the manner in which he had been installed into the Chair as it had enabled him to advance his Masonic knowledge.… Read more “Skelmersdale Mark 141 Installation”

Turton Royal Ark Mariners No.1300

As Fellowship Rep, I visited the Last Drop at Bolton to attend the meeting of Turton RAM 1300 last Tuesday night.

14 members (plus myself) were in attendance to witness not only the Elevation of Bro Raymond Barns, but also the Installation of their new Commander WBro Ronald Wadeson – a busy evening indeed !

Union 171 host the Champions !

At Union 171s Christmas meeting in Uppermill a week last Monday, the National Second Section Champions of Great Britain 2017 Boarshurst Silver Band provided the entertainment for the evening.

This was preceded by a short Lodge meeting which included the presentation of a cheque to WBro Ron Coucill of St Andrews Lodge No.34 in Salford.… Read more “Union 171 host the Champions !”

Canons Close – Christmas Update

The residents of Canons Close enjoyed their Christmas get together on Tues 12th when they all enjoyed the usual mince pies, Christmas cake and a few glasses of wine and bucks fizz.

We were treated to some singing of carols by Bro Alan Roscoe, and a cheque was presented to Lindsey from Legacy at Rainbow house for £465-00, raised by our monthly raffles etc; In all a jolly good time was had by all !… Read more “Canons Close – Christmas Update”