Canons Close – Christmas Update

The residents of Canons Close enjoyed their Christmas get together on Tues 12th when they all enjoyed the usual mince pies, Christmas cake and a few glasses of wine and bucks fizz.

We were treated to some singing of carols by Bro Alan Roscoe, and a cheque was presented to Lindsey from Legacy at Rainbow house for £465-00, raised by our monthly raffles etc; In all a jolly good time was had by all !… Read more “Canons Close – Christmas Update”

Canons Close Update

The day started a little overcast, as we set off from Canons Close for our narrow boat trip, organised by W. Bro John Yates ( a well versed “bargee”).

We all took along a packed

Canons Close News

The residents group met on the 14th March, we were treated to a talk by W. Bro. John Yates ” From Bricks to Boats and back again” about life on a narrow boat, which was very enlightening.

We were treated to WBro.Gordon… Read more “Canons Close News”

MBF Charity Walk


Dear Brethren,

The Mark Charity Walk 2017

The Mark Charity Walk is the first ever single day charitable fund raising event for the Mark Benevolent Fund that draws upon volunteer participants from across Mark Grand Lodge’s Provincial and District Grand Lodges.… Read more “MBF Charity Walk”

Canons Close News

The usual Canons Close December meeting took place on the 13th December. Two of our stalwarts were unfortunately absent – Geoff & Edith Bleakley (who are both being kept in a secure wing somewhere). Get well soon both of you, for those who