Manchester Bungee Jump

That's one big building !!

Following the sell-out of next Saturdays Manchester Ship Canal Cruise, this morning WBro T.Stewart Mills announced another event to raise funds for the East Lancs Mark 2021 Festival.

Stewarts sponsored Bungee Jump from Manchester’s tallest building will take place as soon as clearance has been obtained from the Local Authority.

Double Chance Draw Winners

Latest winners of the £20 prize are WBros:

Ron Wadeson – Turton RAM 1300
John Welsby – F.W.Broadbent RAM 1132
Colin Bodimeade = Manchester Keystone 745
Peter Faulkner – Friendship 1459
Eddie Barton – Union 171
Bernard Percy – Fabric 939
Tony Cleworth – Temperance 56

Congratulations to all and good luck to all other entrants in the main draw next May !… Read more “Double Chance Draw Winners”

Hog Roast

Despite the attraction of the England v Panama match (which surprisingly did not seem to concern the PGM), the sunshine at Middleton Masonic Hall yesterday proved a winner as a multitude of Brethren with their Ladies and guests turned up to enjoy the annual Hog Roast.… Read more “Hog Roast”

Turton Royal Ark Mariners No.1300

As Fellowship Rep, I visited the Last Drop at Bolton to attend the meeting of Turton RAM 1300 last Tuesday night.

14 members (plus myself) were in attendance to witness not only the Elevation of Bro Raymond Barns, but also the Installation of their new Commander WBro Ronald Wadeson – a busy evening indeed !