PGM’s Christmas Message

Wishing you and your families a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year
Especially those that we know are facing serious health challenges at this time … our thoughts are with you

Alex and Leslie

New faces at the Fellowship Dinner

Holiday Inn BoltonWord must be getting out that the Mark Degree Fellowship Dinner is a must-attend event. I saw many new faces there and by all accounts, they were having a good time. Its the third year at

Pictures from Mark Fellowship Dinner 2016

CAM_0956We had a great night at the Mark Fellowship dinner. With 170 guests it was a sellout. The venue was once again the Holiday Inn at Bolton with us dining in the Cloisters which is an old church formed as part of the hotel.

Hog Roast Cancellation

It is with regret that we have to advise you that unfortunately the East Lancashire Mark Fellowship ‘Hog Roast’ to be held on Sunday 21 August 2016 has been cancelled due to the damage caused by the recent flooding at Middleton Masonic Hall.… Read more “Hog Roast Cancellation”

Latest pictures from Fellowship Dinner Bolton

Here are the last pictures from the Fellowship Dinner held at The CAM_4199.jpgHoliday Inn in Bolton. We had a great night as these pictures show.

Many thanks to John Barlow for his pictures.

Adoniram Lodge 1065 – Installation

APGM WBro Tony Davies receives cheques from the WM, WBro Anthony Hindle

The Installation meeting took place at Canons Close Masonic Hall, Adelaide Street, Accrington on 24th November 2015.

The Lodge was honoured by the presence