Middleton Hog, well and truly roasted.

L1060004From the looks of things, the Middleton Hog was indeed well and truly roasted. The weather did its thing and kept clear for most of the day and no shelter was required. The organising team did a great job of pulling the day together and attracting a goodly number of visitors to the

Regalia Sales/eBay

Please note our eBay page will now be closed until 1st July whilst yours truly is on holiday.

Many thanks to the Members of the following Lodges who have recently made significant Regalia Donations – Manchester University 1001, Mossley RAM 1381, Perseverance 403, St Andrews 34 and Wycoller 1582.… Read more “Regalia Sales/eBay”

Thoughts in Spring

As we approach the end of the current Masonic Season we now have only two years to go until our Festival matures. The big date for all your diaries is Saturday, 3 July 2021.
A great deal of work is already going on behind the scenes as we liaise with the venue, Manchester United, and start to bring together menu’s, AV suppliers, transport, hotels and all the other small things that make a sizeable function happen.… Read more “Thoughts in Spring”

MBF CHARITY WALK – London 6th May 2017

2 hours and ten minutes, that’s all it took our intrepid team of athletes comprising our PGM, Deputy and Assistant PGMs and the Provincial Wardens to complete their 7 mile circuit of the Royal Parks and Palaces on Saturday.

It was of course the result of months of training in which muscle and sinew had been honed in a fitness schedule designed to reach a peak of