The Rugby Football Lodge No.1965 Installation

The youngest lodge in the Province celebrated it’s first birthday at Rochdale on 30th June when VW Bro Stephen Holt, WM, installed his successor, W Bro A Michael Dyson, PPrJGW (West Yorkshire) as WM for the ensuing year.
Before doing so however, the Master presented a cheque of £1050 to APGM W Bro Gerry Young as a donation from the Lodge to the 2021 Festival,

Ties etc – an update.

GJEIt’s now almost 9 months since we started selling unwanted Craft 2015 Festival Ties, Bow-ties, Jewels and Hankies in order to raise funds for the Mark 2021 Festival.

When this started, I thought we might raise a couple of hundred quid – how wrong was I !… Read more “Ties etc – an update.”

Mossley Mariners Raise £350

Westholme was the venue last night for a St Georges Day Concert by Mossley Band, which raised the grand total of £350 for the Mark 2021 Festival.

The patriotic Mariners of Mossley RAM 1381 together with their ladies, friends and family were treated to an excellent evening of brass band music culminating in rousing renditions of Rule Britannia, Jerusalem and Land of Hope and Glory which prompted much flag waving.… Read more “Mossley Mariners Raise £350”