Quattro Legati Lodge – Bolton Meeting

On Tuesday 8 October, Quattro Legati Lodge met at Bolton with 21 Mark Masons present including 6 visitors.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, VWBro John Tiler took the chair. The main business of the evening was an explanation of the Tracing Board by WBro David Entwistle, PGStdB which was outstanding in its

2019/20 Early season reflections

As we embark upon a new Masonic Season, you will realise that we have only 20 months left until our MBF Festival concludes. Our total funds raised are creeping steadily upwards but now is the time that we must all try our very best to ensure that we raise a total which is worthy of our great Province.… Read more “2019/20 Early season reflections”

2021 Festival – Latest Total

Brethren, just thought I would keep you all informed of our progress towards the 2021 Festival. 

The current total stands at £425,710.90

Congratulations so far and thank you very much. Keep up the good work and continue to enjoy the Festival


Cheese & Onion, Black & White, Morecambe & Wise.

All combinations that sit comfortably on the tongue, eye and in the memory. 

The Rugby Football Lodge of Mark Master Masons held its latest meeting and installation ceremony on Thursday the 30th May at Rochdale Masonic Hall. The combination of Rugby Football and Mark Masonry is not as immediately recognisable as the above but somehow it works, and it works really well.… Read more “Cheese & Onion, Black & White, Morecambe & Wise.”