Thoughts in Spring

As we approach the end of the current Masonic Season we now have only two years to go until our Festival matures. The big date for all your diaries is Saturday, 3 July 2021.
A great deal of work is already going on behind the scenes as we liaise with the venue, Manchester United, and start to bring together menus, AV suppliers, transport, hotels and all the other

2021 Festival – latest total

Brethren, just thought I would keep you all informed of our progress towards the 2021 Festival. 

The current total stands at £414,797.30

Congratulations so far and thank you very much. Keep up the good work and continue to enjoy the Festival

Your loose change Brethren.

For your change: The Mark Benevolent Fund is issuing the Province with a number of boxes for each Lodge and each Masonic Centre. If you have any loose change and feel disposed to put it in the box, it will be thankfully received and will contribute to our 2021 Festival.… Read more “Your loose change Brethren.”

Manchester City Canal Cruise.

Saturday, April 6 saw 46 light-hearted people get together for a  Manchester City cruise. At the time of booking  a hot & cold buffet was planned but at the last moment, the cruise company called to say that due to good numbers a 3-course lunch would be served at no

Manchester Bungee Jump

That's one big building !!

Following the sell-out of next Saturdays Manchester Ship Canal Cruise, this morning WBro T.Stewart Mills announced another event to raise funds for the East Lancs Mark 2021 Festival.

Stewarts sponsored Bungee Jump from Manchester’s tallest building will take place as soon as clearance has been obtained from the Local Authority.