RAM Provincial Grand Rank

Monday, 31st January at Manchester Hall, East Lancashire Royal Ark Mariners Lodge No 990 held their installation meeting with 56 brethren in attendance including WBro David Rainford, DepPGM.

The meeting opened at 6:35 by the Commander WBro J Michael Green, RAMGR.… Read more “RAM Provincial Grand Rank”

Valentines Day Virtual Balloon Race

This is a reminder about the upcoming Virtual Balloon Race. If you haven’t purchased yours then please do so by following the instructions below. We are hoping for bumper support. Thank you. 

We are pleased to announce that

Double Advancement for Ardwick

Wednesday, 26th January, Ardwick Mark Lodge No 1222 held their meeting at Stanley House, Audenshaw. This indeed was a special occasion as the lodge had 2 advancements this evening. 14 brethren were in attendance along with those from Semper Paratus Lodge No 852 who assisted with the ceremony.… Read more “Double Advancement for Ardwick”

Three advancements to complete.

What a great start to the year for William Romaine Calendar Mark Lodge No 136 with three advancements to complete this season.

In attendance were 17 members and 1 guest. The lodge was opened at 6:10 by the Worshipful Master Bro Arthur Woodall who was proclaimed for the ensuing year who then proceeded to invest his officers.… Read more “Three advancements to complete.”

MBF awarded its own leaf

When I visited Rossendale Hospice on behalf of the Province and the MBF, they had a Giving Tree on the wall in the entrance hall which consisted of a number of “leaves” detailing large donors to the hospice, pictured below. I was told that the MBF would be awarded its own leaf which it now has, and below is a picture of the said leaf for all to see.… Read more “MBF awarded its own leaf”

RAM annual investiture

Twenty one Brethren from the Province of East Lancashire travelled to London to attend the annual investiture for the holders of Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank. Three of those investees included WBros Steven Boyle, Shaun Higson and Gerry Young.

Prior to the meeting, they all dined together at the Union Jack Club at a private dinner organised by WBro Malcolm McCarthy.… Read more “RAM annual investiture”

Extra meeting at Skelmersdale

We are now in December with Christmas just around the corner. Tonight at Ashton-U-Lyne Masonic Hall, Skelmersdale Mark Lodge No 141 held an extra meeting to Advance Bro David Holt. Sixteen brethren were in attendance along with many visitors who were invited to help the lodge with the advancement ceremony.… Read more “Extra meeting at Skelmersdale”