990 RAM installation meeting

On Monday, 30th January at the Manchester Hall, Bridge Street, Manchester, the East Lancashire Provincial Grand Officers Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No 990 held their installation meeting.
In attendance were the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro John Hartley Smith, and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master WBro David G Rainford.… Read more “990 RAM installation meeting”

Wet and Wintery for 136

On a wet winter’s night on Tuesday 10th January at Bury Masonic Hall
William Romaine Callander Lodge of Mark Masons No 136 held their installation meeting. In attendance on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master was VWBro David H Thompson APGM, the acting director of ceremonies WBro Jack Ashton, and a number from the deputation team.… Read more “Wet and Wintery for 136”

50 Years in Mossley 1381

On Monday 9th January 2023 Mossley Mark Lodge No 1381 held its first meeting of 2023 at Westholme Masonic Hall. This day was indeed a special one for the Master VWBro Malcolm C Moreland PGSO who, on the 8 January 1973, joined Mossley Mark Lodge No 1381 and has achieved 50 years of membership in the Mark Degree.… Read more “50 Years in Mossley 1381”

Fabric Mark Lodge No 939

On Tuesday, 20th December Fabric Mark Lodge No 939 held its meeting at Rochdale Masonic Hall. This meeting was rather special as they were carrying out an Advancement ceremony along with help from the Lodge of instruction Semper Paratus.

The Worshipful Master Bro Stuart Smith opened the meeting at 6:40 with 15 brethren in attendance including RWBro Alexander S McLaren, PPGM.… Read more “Fabric Mark Lodge No 939”

Priory Mark 693 – Whalley

This was my first visit to Whalley Masonic Rooms which is indeed a very interesting building dating back in time where many distinguished brethren have been members in various Lodges.

This meeting was the last one for Priory Lodge No 693 before the Installation in February 2023.… Read more “Priory Mark 693 – Whalley”