Can you ride Tandem?

The Provincial Charity Steward Stewart Mills (TSM) is determined to raise as much money as possible for our amazing Charity ELMBF during his year 2023/24.  In his efforts, which we are sure your lodge and your members are keen to support, Stewart will undertake a 125 miles ride on a tandem with his Mrs TSM (Janet) riding tandem.… Read more “Can you ride Tandem?”

Master’s and Commander’s Dinner

On 10th March at Bury Masonic Hall, the East Lancashire Mark held their Master’s and Commander’s 2023 dinner.

In attendance on this special occasion were the Provincial Grand Master RWBro John Hartley Smith and his good lady Jane, with additional support from the DepPGM, WBro David Rainford, along with the two APGMs, VWBro David H Thompson and WBro Kevin M Reaney with their wives and partners.… Read more “Master’s and Commander’s Dinner”

2021 Festival Dinner – Oh what a night

After a long 5 years in the planning, our MBF Festival Banquet which was due to be held at the Old Trafford Football Ground was cancelled due to Covid with only a few days to go. But that didn’t stop the festival committee who quickly and swiftly put together a Provincial Ball which was held on

Valentines Day Virtual Balloon Race

This is a reminder about the upcoming Virtual Balloon Race. If you haven’t purchased yours then please do so by following the instructions below. We are hoping for bumper support. Thank you. 

We are pleased to announce that