£5000 for Rossendale Hospice

Rossendale Hospice is a local charity that cares for patients and their families living with cancer and other life-limiting conditions including, Motor Neurone Disease (MND), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), chronic lung disease (COPD), Organ failure and others.

They do not offer overnight accommodation but many other services free of charge including Day Therapy, a range of Complementary and Psychotherapies, Bereavement Counselling and a Befriending Service.… Read more “£5000 for Rossendale Hospice”

£4000 to Bury Hospice

Bury Hospice was opened in 1991 with money raised by the local community and its aims then were the same as they are today; to provide specialist twenty-four-hour in-patient, medical and respite facilities care for people with life-limiting illness, whilst doing everything they can to help support their families and carers.… Read more “£4000 to Bury Hospice”

Children’s Hospice receive £2000

Well, it was a rainy day when VWBro David Thompson, PGJO, APGM and WBro David Poppit, who was deputising for the Worshipful Master of Manchester University Lodge, attended Francis House to present Julie Williams, fundraiser, with a cheque for £2000. An apology was received from the Worshipful Master of Arnold Moreton Lodge No 1649 who was on holiday.… Read more “Children’s Hospice receive £2000”

Bolton Hospice receives £5000

It was nice to be greeted by Kathryn Willett, Corporate and Community Lead Fundraiser, for the Bolton Hospice, who introduced herself to VWBro David H Thompson, PGJO, APGM, WBro Trevor Thomas the Worshipful Master of FW Broadbent Lodge No 1132 and Stewart Poulsom the Worshipful Master of Quatuor Legati Lodge No 1165.… Read more “Bolton Hospice receives £5000”

£4000 to St Ann’s Hospice

Four Lodges had nominated St Ann’s Hospice to receive £4000 from the Mark Benevolent Fund and Anne-Marie Wynne, head of Fundraising was there to receive the cheque from VWBro David H Thompson, PGJO, APGM, along with WBro Kevin M Reaney, PGJD who deputised for the Worshipful Master of the Thomas Sharples Barlow Lodge No 1383.… Read more “£4000 to St Ann’s Hospice”

Willow Wood receives £11000


The cheque presentation took place in the beautiful gardens surrounding Willow Wood Hospice, with a gathering of seven brethren in attendance representing those Mark Lodges who had chosen Willow Wood to be the recipient of the £1000 sum from each of eleven Lodges within the locality.