Quattro Legati Lodge – Bolton Meeting

On Tuesday 8 October, Quattro Legati Lodge met at Bolton with 21 Mark Masons present including 6 visitors.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, VWBro John Tiler took the chair. The main business of the evening was an explanation of the Tracing Board by WBro David Entwistle, PGStdB which was outstanding in its

2021 Festival – Latest Total

Brethren, just thought I would keep you all informed of our progress towards the 2021 Festival. 

The current total stands at £425,710.90

Congratulations so far and thank you very much. Keep up the good work and continue to enjoy the Festival


Oscar’s Happy Feet are Dancing to a New Tune!

This is Oscar Grainger and his family at the Masonic Hall in Paignton. R.W.Bro. Peter Balsom, Provincial Grand Master for Devonshire and his Executive, along with W.Bro. Darren Coleman-Heald, P.A.G.D.C., Charities Manager at Mark Masons’ Hall, were representing the Mark Benevolent Fund to present a cheque for £6,000, giving Oscar the final piece of …………read more