Designated a Lodge of Instruction

Semper Paratus Mark Lodge No 852 has now been designated a Lodge of Instruction and they held their meeting at Audenshaw Masonic Hall on Thursday, 10th February. In attendance was RWBro John H Smith, ProvGM, along with RWBro Alexander S McLaren, PastProvGM

The Worshipful Master, Leslie Baker opened the Lodge at 6:05 and he welcomed the 23 brethren who were in attendance especially those brethren of 5, who like himself, had travelled down from Durham to conduct the meeting.… Read more “Designated a Lodge of Instruction”

Quatuor Legati 1165 Installation

On Tuesday, 8th February at Bolton Masonic Hall Quatuor Legati Lodge of Mark Masons No 1165 held their installation meeting. In attendance was VWBro David H Thompson, APGM along with the Deputation of 7 acting officers from the Province.

The Worshipful Master, Bro Stewart Poulsom welcomed all the brethren in attendance a total of 26, including a visitor from the Isle Of Man, WBro Colin Thompson.… Read more “Quatuor Legati 1165 Installation”

Valentines Day Virtual Balloon Race

This is a reminder about the upcoming Virtual Balloon Race. If you haven’t purchased yours then please do so by following the instructions below. We are hoping for bumper support. Thank you. 

We are pleased to announce that

Double Advancement for Ardwick

Wednesday, 26th January, Ardwick Mark Lodge No 1222 held their meeting at Stanley House, Audenshaw. This indeed was a special occasion as the lodge had 2 advancements this evening. 14 brethren were in attendance along with those from Semper Paratus Lodge No 852 who assisted with the ceremony.… Read more “Double Advancement for Ardwick”