Suspension of meetings


Under the current prevailing circumstances Grand Mark Lodge have issued the following instruction: –

The Grand Masters of the Orders administered from Mark Masons’ Hall have jointly
agreed an immediate General Suspension of all Masonic Activity for a period of four
months.… Read more “Suspension of meetings”

Roberts TI – sesquicentennial celebrated in style

The Roberts T.I. Mark Lodge which meets at Rochdale Masonic Hall reached 150 years of continuous lodge meetings on Thursday 12th March and their sesquicentennial was celebrated in fine style.
In attendance was the Provincial Grand Master Right Worshipful Bro. Alexander Sillars McLaren along with

Semper Paratus – Always Ready

Semper Paratus Mark Lodge 852 held their regular meeting at 6:00 pm on Tuesday 11th February, at Audenshaw Mason Hall, though as it turned out it wasn’t quite as regular as was anticipated.

The Lodge opened in due form at 6:00 pm and was honoured with the presence of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master V.W… Read more “Semper Paratus – Always Ready”

Quatuor Legati Installation at Bolton

Tuesday the 11 February Quatuor Legati Mark Lodge 1265 held their Installation meeting at Bolton Masonic Hall
In attendance was W.Bro Gerald Noel Howard Young the Assistant Provincial Grand

2021 Festival – First to Grand Patron Diamond

W.Bro Donal Crawshaw presents Chque to APGM Gerald Noel Howard Young PGJDSkelmersdale Mark 141 and its anchored Royal Ark Mariner Lodge have witnessed a major change in fortunes over the past 18 months.  Committee meetings to discuss the future had been held, with fears the lodge would close. Skelmersdale Lodge was founded in 1871 and It was argued strongly that it should remain open and