The Masters & Commanders of both Mark and Royal Ark Mariners held their celebratory dinner on Friday 13th March at Bury Masonic Hall. The Provincial Grand Master invited all Masters & Commanders in the chair during 2019/20 to come together and enjoy meeting other members in office.… Read more “Masters and Commanders Dinner – celebratory dinner on Friday 13th”
Category: Mark Degree
Suspension of meetings
Under the current prevailing circumstances Grand Mark Lodge have issued the following instruction: –
The Grand Masters of the Orders administered from Mark Masons’ Hall have jointly
agreed an immediate General Suspension of all Masonic Activity for a period of four
months.… Read more “Suspension of meetings”
Roberts TI – sesquicentennial celebrated in style
Priory Mark 693 – Installation at Whalley Masonic Rooms
It was unfortunate that the Worshipful Master Robert Jopson was unwell and unable to deliver the installation ceremony and place Bro Alan Dunnicliff in his rightful Chair within the Lodge. It mattered not as the Lodge Charity steward filled the office and performed the function of WM with ease.… Read more “Priory Mark 693 – Installation at Whalley Masonic Rooms”
Wike Lodge 142 – £500.00 towards festival
Wike Mark lodge No. 142 held their installation meeting on Thursday 12th February at Radcliffe Masonic Hall. In attendance was V.W.Bro. John Hartley Smith P.G.J.O. D.P.G.M. accompanied by the Assistant Provincial Director of Ceremonies W.Bro Stephen Boyle PAGSB and a deputation of acting officers of the year.… Read more “Wike Lodge 142 – £500.00 towards festival”
Semper Paratus – Always Ready
Semper Paratus Mark Lodge 852 held their regular meeting at 6:00 pm on Tuesday 11th February, at Audenshaw Mason Hall, though as it turned out it wasn’t quite as regular as was anticipated.
The Lodge opened in due form at 6:00 pm and was honoured with the presence of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master V.W… Read more “Semper Paratus – Always Ready”
Quatuor Legati Installation at Bolton
Tuesday the 11 February Quatuor Legati Mark Lodge 1265 held their Installation meeting at Bolton Masonic Hall
In attendance was W.Bro Gerald Noel Howard Young the Assistant Provincial Grand