2021 Festival – First to Grand Patron Diamond

W.Bro Donal Crawshaw presents Chque to APGM Gerald Noel Howard Young PGJDSkelmersdale Mark 141 and its anchored Royal Ark Mariner Lodge have witnessed a major change in fortunes over the past 18 months.  Committee meetings to discuss the future had been held, with fears the lodge would close. Skelmersdale Lodge was founded in 1871 and It was argued strongly that it should remain open and

Surprise Early Finish for Middleton Mark

On Wednesday the 5th February Middleton Mark No.1303 held their regular lodge meeting. At 6:45 pm the lodge was opened by the WM, WBro Andrew John Halford and in attendance  was VWBro David H Thompson PGJO Assistant Provincial Grand

Customary whistle and yellow cards in evidence

Rugby Football Mark Lodge No. 1965 met at Rochdale Masonic Hall on 30th January. The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Alex McLaren was in attendance.

After the usual administrative items,