Union 171 – new chequered pavement for Christmas.

The Christmas meeting of Union 171 took place on Monday 16 December. A new chequered pavement had been fitted in the Lodge room and the brethren and their ladies were invited to view.

WBro. Roger Fielding, PAGDC, WM, opened

Christmas social on 29th November

William Romaine Callender Lodge held their Christmas social on 29 November. The Worshipful Master, WBro. Stewart Mills and his wife Janet welcomed 56 brethren and partners for pre-dinner drinks.

The dining room looked

Goulburn Lodge and the Old Bill

The regular meeting of Goulburn Lodge No 680 was held at the Old Bill restaurant in Oldham. The Provincial Grand Master and a Provincial Deputation of 9 were in attendance.

This being the Installation meeting, the Master Elect, WBro. Martin Roche, PAGSwdB was duly presented and installed into the chair by the Worshipful Master, WBro.… Read more “Goulburn Lodge and the Old Bill”

wet and windy night in Accrington

On a wet and windy night in Accrington, Adoniram Mark Lodge met for their Installation.

Unfortunately, the Master Elect, Bro Allan Williams has been diagnosed with a serious problem and was unable to take the chair. The brethren of Adoniram and indeed, all the Province wish him well for a

A team effort in Bolton

On Wednesday 20th November St Johns TI and F W Broadbent Mark Lodges met on the same night with a view to supporting each other’s meetings.

FWB led they way opening at 6.20 pm with the Immediate Past Master, W.Bro. John Green in the chair.… Read more “A team effort in Bolton”

Scarlett with Gawthorpe Mark 1014 –

The members of Scarlet with Gawthorpe immediately wondered what was happening as soon as the Mark Provincial Deputation turned up at Burnley Masonic Hall. Not to get too carried away with things as there was only 4 in attendance, and that included the Assistant Provincial Grand