Manchester City Canal Cruise.

Saturday, April 6 saw 46 light-hearted people get together for a  Manchester City cruise. At the time of booking  a hot & cold buffet was planned but at the last moment, the cruise company called to say that due to good numbers a 3-course lunch would be served at no

Wike Mark 142 – Whats it all about?

Wednesday 10th April was the regular meeting of Wike Mark Lodge no 142 and the Lodge took the opportunity of inviting a number of non-Mark Masons with the purpose of explaining to them what the Mark Degree is all about and why we all enjoy it so

Manchester Bungee Jump

That's one big building !!

Following the sell-out of next Saturdays Manchester Ship Canal Cruise, this morning WBro T.Stewart Mills announced another event to raise funds for the East Lancs Mark 2021 Festival.

Stewarts sponsored Bungee Jump from Manchester’s tallest building will take place as soon as clearance has been obtained from the Local Authority.

St Andrews Mark Lodge No 34 – 150th Celebration Meeting

St Andrews 34 Mark Token

On Tuesday 19th March, 22 Acting Provincial Officers of the year accompanied the PGM RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren together with his Deputy PGM VWBro John Hartley Smith and Assistant PGMs WBro Gerald Noel Howard Young and VWBro David Hedley Thompson to the