Volunteers with St John Ambulance, the nation’s leading first aid charity, took time out recently to say thank you to the Masons for the donation of a new ambulance which will be based at the charity’s Denton unit.

The new ambulance is one of over 50 vehicles which are being handed over in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands in a phased programme from October 2017 and throughout 2018.… Read more “ST JOHN AMBULANCE VOLUNTEERS THANK MASONS FOR NEW AMBULANCE”

Rugby ends in a tie !

WM RWBro Bob Clancey (PGM North & East Yorks) spotted at the recent meeting of Rugby Football Lodge No.1965, proudly sporting his East Lancashire tie !

Not that anyone noticed of course…

St John Ambulance Handover

The Mark Benevolent Fund are Supporting ST Johns Ambulance and in partnership with the charity have pledged £3,023,700 for a two year programme to provide up to 52 replacement state of the art ambulances and support vehicles. The first of these Ambulances was to be donated to East Lancashire, and on the 17th July, the PGM, RW Bro Alex Mclaren and his wife, Leslie, attended the Presentation and Dedication of the vehicle in London.… Read more “St John Ambulance Handover”

Goulburn 680 – is this a first ??

Wednesday 28th March saw a Provincial Team arriving in the bowels of the Old Bill restaurant in Oldham to support RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren, Provincial Grand Master in his visit to Goulburn Mark 680.

Lodge meetings here start with drinks in the basement bar followed by a trek upstairs to the first floor Lodge Room (complete with Glitter Ball for the post Lodge disco !).… Read more “Goulburn 680 – is this a first ??”

Skelmersdale Mark 141 Installation

Tuesday 20th February saw the installation of Bro Peter Cole into the Chair of Adoniram. The meeting was attended by APGM WBro Tony Davies and a small delegation of acting Provincial Officers.

The new Worshipful Master announced he was very pleased with the manner in which he had been installed into the Chair as it had enabled him to advance his Masonic knowledge.… Read more “Skelmersdale Mark 141 Installation”