Snow causes no problems for Rectitude 18 T.I.

The summons for the February meeting of Lodge of Rectitude of Mark Master Masons No 18 T.I. indicated there would be an advancement of a new candidate plus the Installation ceremony. Now that’s a lot of work in my eyes and probably a very long evening.

Special Evening at Starkie 159 Installation

CAM_7596Starkie Mark 159 held a rather special Installation meeting on the 15th February at their regular home in Accrington Masonic Hall. Special in such a way as the Provincial Grand Master was in attendance along with half a dozen acting

More Visits to London for the Provincial Grand Master

Following his appointment as a Trustee of the Mark Benevolent Fund last month the Provincial Grand Master received an Invitation to join the Worthy Causes Committee, that is the one that deals with the Applications from External Charities.
He has accepted the Invitation and will be hard at work on our behalf travelling down to London at future Meetings of the MBF and the Worthy Causes Committee.

Amazing 50th Celebration for W.Bro Ken Lord – Keep 911

Ken Lord Mark 50th Keep LodgeBack in 1967 when the Earth was still deemed to be flat, and Ken Lord had been a Craft Mason for several years already, the spark of an idea to join The Mark degree was muted.  Racing driver and motorboat racer Donald Campbell was killed in a crash on