Adoniram and the Wardrobe Malfunction

It was a very pleasant and amicable Installation at Adoniram 1065 Mark Lodge. The APGM W.Bro Tony Davies and a delegation arrived early to get a  quick practice in and to see the layout of the lodge. Almost immediately we were welcomed with open arms and

Mossley Mark 1381

November has been one of the busiest months so far for the Provincial Acting

Assistant Provincial Grand Master visits Mossley 1381

One thing you get to notice whilst visiting various Masonic Hall in the District is how Grand they are and what amazing settings they are in. This applies very much to Mossley Masonic Hall in Ashton-u-Lyme. The main staircase was set off by a statue at the bottom of the stairs and

The Mark Internet Lodge No.1975

The idea for the Mark Internet Lodge came from several Welsh members of the Craft Internet Lodge 9659, who got great support from their PGM in Monmouthshire. This led to the Consecration of the Lodge in Mark Masons Hall in

Rugby Football 1965 style – Provincial Fixture

Combine a love of Rugby Football and Mark Master Masonry and what do you get?
An absolutely terrific night out at Rochdale Masonic Hall to attend the Installation of the Rugby Football Lodge No 1965. It was also the