Friendship Mark Lodge held their long-awaited weekend away at the Nailcote Hall Hotel, Golf and Country Club, Berkswell, Warwickshire from Friday 17th till Sunday 19th March. This event was booked over two years ago and as we all knew, the event could not go ahead due to difficult circumstances until now.… Read more “Long awaited weekend away”
Category: Mark Degree
Busy Night for Union Mark
On Wednesday 8th March at Manchester Hall, Bridge Street, Manchester, Union Mark Lodge No 32 held their meeting with 21 brethren in attendance including WBro David Coombs, PGJD, who was the representative in attendance on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master.… Read more “Busy Night for Union Mark”
Snow at Padiham Masonic Hall
Pendle Mark Lodge No 695 held its meeting on Wednesday 8th March on a cold and snowy evening at Padiham Masonic Hall. On this special occasion the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro John Hartley Smith and WBro David G Rainford, DepPGM, were in attendance along with 16 of the Deputation team.… Read more “Snow at Padiham Masonic Hall”
Rectitude TI No 18 – Installation
The Lodge of Rectitude of Mark Master Masons No 18 Ti held their installation meeting at Rossendale Masonic Hall, Rawtenstall on Tuesday 28th February. In attendance at this special meeting was VWBro David H Thompson APGM along with the Grand Steward WBro Martin Caller and 6 other brethren from the deputation team who were in attendance.… Read more “Rectitude TI No 18 – Installation”
Amazing Valentines Banquet
On Saturday18th February at The Manchester Masonic Centre, Bridge Street, The East Lancashire Mark Fellowship held their Valentine’s event.
The champagne and canapés were in full swing as the reception started at 6 pm with over 80 brethren and their wives, partners or friends who were in attendance.… Read more “Amazing Valentines Banquet”
Manchester Engineers Mark 1059
Thursday, 16th February at Manchester Hall, Bridge Street, Manchester, Manchester Engineers Mark Lodge No 1059 held their installation meeting commencing at 18.05.
In attendance at this very prestigious Lodge was the Provincial Grand Master RWBro John Hartley Smith along with VWBro David H Thompson, PGJO APGM and a small Provincial deputation .… Read more “Manchester Engineers Mark 1059”
£18,801 donation for Blood Bikes
On Tuesday, 14th February, at Salford Masonic Hall, representatives from 3 neighbouring Provinces joined to hand over a new Blood Bike to the volunteers who provide a worthwhile service to the nation.
East Lancashire was represented by the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro John H Smith, along with VWBro David H Thompson, PGJO, APGM, and all the members of the Secretariat who had helped arrange the event.… Read more “£18,801 donation for Blood Bikes”