Wike 142 Sesquicentenary

On Wednesday 9th November at Radcliffe Masonic Hall, Wike Lodge of Mark Master Masons No142
held their Sesquicentenary meeting.

The Lodge was opened  at 6:10 pm by the Worshipful Master Bro Garry M Jones who welcomed the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro John H Smith, to the meeting.… Read more “Wike 142 Sesquicentenary”

Grand Lodge Officers 1383

On Monday, 7th November at Manchester Hall it was the installation meeting of the Thomas Sharples Barlow Lodge No 1383 with a membership comprising solely of Grand Lodge Officers of the Mark Degree from subscribing members from within the Province.… Read more “Grand Lodge Officers 1383”

50th of Bro John Keith Wareing

On Thursday 3 November at Freemasons Hall, Clayton Le Moors, Accrington, The George Farnworth Nuttall Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 1405 held a special meeting to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Brother John Keith Wareing. The Lodge was opened at 7:00 pm by the Worshipful Master Bro.… Read more “50th of Bro John Keith Wareing”

990 Mark at Manchester Hall

On Tuesday 25th October at Manchester Hall, the East Lancashire Provincial Grand Officers Lodge No 990 held their installation meeting. In attendance was RWBro John Hartley Smith, Provincial Grand Master along with the two APGM’s, VWBro David H Thompson and WBro Kevin M Reaney.… Read more “990 Mark at Manchester Hall”

Rejoined after 31Years.

Tuesday the 4 October at Bury Masonic hall. William Romaine Calendar Mark Lodge No 136 held their regular meeting with 16 brethren in attendance. The Worshipful Master WBro Arthur Woodall PProv GJD opened the lodge at 6-35 pm & welcomed us all, including 2 visitors.… Read more “Rejoined after 31Years.”

50 years, still going strong

On 3rd October 2022, St Andrews Mark Lodge met at Salford to celebrate Brian Sigsworth’s
achievement of 50 years as a Mark Mason.
Within the Lodge, Brian was presented with a certificate by the PGM John Hartley Smith, who, during
the presentation recalled Brian’s work in not just this Province but also in West Lancs, Cheshire and
East Lancs where Brian had served with distinction as Secretary and Director of Ceremonies within a
number of Mark and RAM Lodges.… Read more “50 years, still going strong”