Return to Albert Hall Bolton

2023 saw the return of the East Lancashire Mark Provincial Grand Lodge meeting to the superb setting of The Albert Halls, Bolton on Wednesday 24 May.
The Hall opened its doors to over 240 Mark and RAM brethren, with many distinguished guests joining the members of the Province from around the country including the Isle of Man and beyond.… Read more “Return to Albert Hall Bolton”

60 Royal Ark Mariners

On 31st October at Rochdale Masonic Hall the East Lancashire Provincial Grand Officers RAM Lodge No 990 held their investiture meeting. 

In attendance was RWBro John Hartley Smith, Provincial Grand Master of East Lancs along with his two APGM’s, VWBro David H Thompson and WBro Kevin M Reaney along with a full deputation team visit.… Read more “60 Royal Ark Mariners”

990 Mark at Manchester Hall

On Tuesday 25th October at Manchester Hall, the East Lancashire Provincial Grand Officers Lodge No 990 held their installation meeting. In attendance was RWBro John Hartley Smith, Provincial Grand Master along with the two APGM’s, VWBro David H Thompson and WBro Kevin M Reaney.… Read more “990 Mark at Manchester Hall”

Zoom – Annual Provincial Grand Lodge Meeting.

Annual Meeting 26th May 2021. The Virtual Business Meeting was declared open at 19:00 by the Provincial Grand Master, R W Bro Alex McLaren .
After the traditional tributes to 23 departed Brethren, called to higher service since May 2020, the Provincial Grand Master welcomed 106 brethren from the Province of East Lancashire and a further