1st East Lancashire Mark Zoom Open Meeting

The first of a series of six Virtual Open Meetings was opened by RWBro Alex McLaren, Provincial Grand Master, at 6:30 p.m. on Monday 1st February 2021 for Mark and RAM Lodges in the North East area of the Province. Attending by Zoom Video Link were brethren from

PGM Christmas message 2020

As 2020 draws to a close we will all be reflecting upon the difficulties occasioned by the Covid-19 pandemic. Our Freemasonry has effectively been on hold since March and many of our usual happy Mark events have been missed. I feel particularly sorry for all those who have received appointments or promotions in Grand Mark Lodge or in Grand Royal Ark Mariner.… Read more “PGM Christmas message 2020”

Surprise Early Finish for Middleton Mark

On Wednesday the 5th February Middleton Mark No.1303 held their regular lodge meeting. At 6:45 pm the lodge was opened by the WM, WBro Andrew John Halford and in attendance  was VWBro David H Thompson PGJO Assistant Provincial Grand