Goulburn 680 – is this a first ??

Wednesday 28th March saw a Provincial Team arriving in the bowels of the Old Bill restaurant in Oldham to support RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren, Provincial Grand Master in his visit to Goulburn Mark 680.

Lodge meetings here start with drinks in the basement bar followed by a trek upstairs to the first floor Lodge Room (complete with Glitter Ball for the post Lodge disco !).… Read more “Goulburn 680 – is this a first ??”

Skelmersdale Mark 141 Installation

Tuesday 20th February saw the installation of Bro Peter Cole into the Chair of Adoniram. The meeting was attended by APGM WBro Tony Davies and a small delegation of acting Provincial Officers.

The new Worshipful Master announced he was very pleased with the manner in which he had been installed into the Chair as it had enabled him to advance his Masonic knowledge.… Read more “Skelmersdale Mark 141 Installation”

16th Masters and Commanders Assembly

On Friday evening 9th March, over 80 Brethren and their Ladies attended the 16th Assembly of Mark Masters and Royal Ark Commanders at

Snow causes no problems for Rectitude 18 T.I.

The summons for the February meeting of Lodge of Rectitude of Mark Master Masons No 18 T.I. indicated there would be an advancement of a new candidate plus the Installation ceremony. Now that’s a lot of work in my eyes and probably a very long evening.