Master’s and Commander’s Dinner

On 10th March at Bury Masonic Hall, the East Lancashire Mark held their Master’s and Commander’s 2023 dinner.

In attendance on this special occasion were the Provincial Grand Master RWBro John Hartley Smith and his good lady Jane, with additional support from the DepPGM, WBro David Rainford, along with the two APGMs, VWBro David H Thompson and WBro Kevin M Reaney with their wives and partners.… Read more “Master’s and Commander’s Dinner”

Lathom RAM 136 – Installation Meeting

On Tuesday evening, 7th February at Bury Masonic Hall, Parsons Lane, Bury, Lathom Royal Ark Mariners Lodge no 136 held their Installation meeting.

In Attendance were the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of East Lancashire RWBro John Hartley Smith RAMGR and the Provincial Assistant Director of Ceremonies, WBro Steven Lord ProvRAMGR along with 12 members of Lathom Lodge.… Read more “Lathom RAM 136 – Installation Meeting”

990 RAM installation meeting

On Monday, 30th January at the Manchester Hall, Bridge Street, Manchester, the East Lancashire Provincial Grand Officers Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No 990 held their installation meeting.
In attendance were the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro John Hartley Smith, and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master WBro David G Rainford.… Read more “990 RAM installation meeting”