A great night for some new and old faces

Skelmersdale RAM docked on Tuesday the 15th of February at 6 pm sharp. With the aim of electing a new Commander. W Bro Graham Jones drew the short straw for which he thanked all present.

The meeting was swiftly followed by Skelmersdale Mark, to once again proclaim W Bro Bob Summers as the

RAM Provincial Grand Rank

Monday, 31st January at Manchester Hall, East Lancashire Royal Ark Mariners Lodge No 990 held their installation meeting with 56 brethren in attendance including WBro David Rainford, DepPGM.

The meeting opened at 6:35 by the Commander WBro J Michael Green, RAMGR.… Read more “RAM Provincial Grand Rank”

RAM annual investiture

Twenty one Brethren from the Province of East Lancashire travelled to London to attend the annual investiture for the holders of Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank. Three of those investees included WBros Steven Boyle, Shaun Higson and Gerry Young.

Prior to the meeting, they all dined together at the Union Jack Club at a private dinner organised by WBro Malcolm McCarthy.… Read more “RAM annual investiture”

Royal Ark Mariner Lodge No 990

Monday the 29th November, The East Lancashire Provincial Grand Officers Royal Ark Mariner Lodge No 990 meeting took place at Rochdale Masonic Hall and what a great turn out it was.

The new Provincial Grand Master, RWBro John H Smith, accompanied by the other members of the executive, along with a fine body of men of the officers of the year were also in attendance.… Read more “Royal Ark Mariner Lodge No 990”

50th Celebration for County Palatine 156

What a night County Palatine Royal Ark Mariners No 156 hosted a celebration for its 50th year, slightly behind schedule due to covid. The Lodge, consecrated on 23rd November 1970, laid on a splendid occasion with 30 brethren in attendance. The newly appointed Deputy Provincial Grand Master, David George Rainford, took the chair for part of the evening and presented