990 RAM – Royal Ark Mariner Provincial Grand Rank Investiture

Monday 30th September and over 80 Royal Ark Mariners arrived at Rochdale Masonic Hall for the mid-meeting of the East Lancashire Provincial Grand Officers Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners no. 990. The main business of the evening was the Investiture of

Manchester Bungee Jump

That's one big building !!

Following the sell-out of next Saturdays Manchester Ship Canal Cruise, this morning WBro T.Stewart Mills announced another event to raise funds for the East Lancs Mark 2021 Festival.

Stewarts sponsored Bungee Jump from Manchester’s tallest building will take place as soon as clearance has been obtained from the Local Authority.

17th Assembly of Mark Lodge Masters and Royal Ark Mariner Commanders Dinner

L1000246The Provincial Grand Master did say he would keep the toast list short and his speech to a very minimum, and true to his word he did. The toast to the Queen took place and he was on his feet for less than 5 mins, promoting the main theme of the evening, to enjoy ourselves and the

Faith 20 Mark & RAM

WBro Martin Caller ProvGSW with WM WBro Craig Wood

At Middleton Masonic Hall last night, one of the oldest Lodges in the Province, Faith 20 held their Mark meeting preceded by a brief meeting of the RAM Lodge. In attendance was the Deputy PGM, VWBro John Hartley Smith who was accompanied by a Deputation of