Joining members turn corner for Skelmersdale

Skelmersdale Mark and RAM Lodge No. 141, which is only two years away from its 150th Celebration, held its Installation on the 19th February 2019. Nothing surprising about that you may say. The Assistant Prov. Grand Master Gerald Noel Howard Young was in attendance and accompanied by a goodly number

Mossley Lodges Sunday Social

On Sunday December 2nd at the Printers Arms in Denshaw , Saddleworth the 4 Mark and RAM Lodges based in Mossley (Rose of York 1010 and Mossley 1381) once again joined forces to hold their annual Sunday Social.

A total of 28 Brethren with their Ladies and friends braved the foul weather to enjoy a couple of hours together.… Read more “Mossley Lodges Sunday Social”

Double Chance Draw Winners

Latest winners of the £20 prize are WBros:

Ron Wadeson – Turton RAM 1300
John Welsby – F.W.Broadbent RAM 1132
Colin Bodimeade = Manchester Keystone 745
Peter Faulkner – Friendship 1459
Eddie Barton – Union 171
Bernard Percy – Fabric 939
Tony Cleworth – Temperance 56

Congratulations to all and good luck to all other entrants in the main draw next May !… Read more “Double Chance Draw Winners”

Regalia Sales now £30000 !

It’s now 4 years since I launched this initiative by selling off the old Craft 2015 Festival Ties, the original idea was to raise a couple of hundred quid for the Mark 2021 Festival.

It therefore gives me great pleasure to say a massive –

for all the support I’ve had since then from throughout the Province.… Read more “Regalia Sales now £30000 !”