Turton Royal Ark Mariners No.1300

As Fellowship Rep, I visited the Last Drop at Bolton to attend the meeting of Turton RAM 1300 last Tuesday night.

14 members (plus myself) were in attendance to witness not only the Elevation of Bro Raymond Barns, but also the Installation of their new Commander WBro Ronald Wadeson – a busy evening indeed !

16th Masters and Commanders Assembly

On Friday evening 9th March, over 80 Brethren and their Ladies attended the 16th Assembly of Mark Masters and Royal Ark Commanders at

1014 RAM re-appoint Worshipful Commander

I don’t get the chance to write about RAM meetings that often, so here goes. Gawthorpe Lodge 1014 RAM which is attached to Gawthorpe Lodge of Mark Master Masons re-appointed its Worshipful Commander W.Bro Ken Lambshead RAMGR on Monday 18th December. The worship commander is

PGM’s Christmas Message

Wishing you and your families a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year
Especially those that we know are facing serious health challenges at this time … our thoughts are with you

Alex and Leslie