Celebrating 50 years in the Mark

The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Alex McLaren, accompanied by the Deputy and Assistant Provincial Grand Masters and a deputation of 8 Acting Officers of the Province attended a Virtual Business Meeting of W R Callender Mark Lodge No.136 on 9th March to mark WBro. Kenneth Laidlaw’s 50th anniversary in the Mark Degree.
Advanced in Jarrow Mark Lodge No.701 in the Province of Durham on 16th February 1970, Ken was installed as WM in 1983. Several Jarrow Lodge members joined this meeting at Ken’s invitation. A surprise guest, RWBro Prof. Denovan Wilson, the PGM of Durham Mark Province, was also able to join us and received a warm welcome from RWBro Alex McLaren and everyone present.
Following a move from the North East to North West in 2010, Ken became a joining member of W R Callendar Mark Lodge No 136 and became its WM in 2016.
Paying tribute to Ken, RWBro Alex McLaren outlined his masonic history, always a working member of his lodges in the Mark and RAM degrees and in the many other orders to which he belongs. Both Durham and East Lancashire Provinces had much to be grateful for and thanks were given for his long and dedicated service. Ken was presented with his 50 Years Certificate and a letter of congratulation from the PGM across screens as if by magic accompanied by a warm virtual handshake.
As a gesture of our appreciation of Ken’s service, the PGM appointed him a PPrGSW of the East Lancashire Mark Province at the meeting.
In response, Ken thanked RWBro Alex McLaren for his generous comments and his new Mark rank in East Lancashire, welcoming RWBro Denovan Wilson, officers of the Province of East Lancashire and all visitors in addition to members of his own Lodge.
The Virtual Business Meeting was then closed and in a less formal gathering Toasts to The Queen and to Ken Laidlaw were proposed and heartily taken by all present.
A most enjoyable evening.

Gerry Young

One thought on “Celebrating 50 years in the Mark

  1. Gordon E. Rosbotham Reply

    On the 24th June 2021 W.Bro Gerald Boothman was presented with a certificate for attaining 60 years as a Freemason.
    The certificate was presented at his home on Canons Close Bolton by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master for East Lancs Craft Masons V.W. Bro John Richard Farrington accompanied by the Deputy District chairman W.Bro Bill Spiby.

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