Christmas 2019 – I may be able to help.

W Bro Barry R Heal PDepGSwdB Provincial Grand AlmonerAs Provincial Almoner for this great Province of ours, I am offering to help anyone in need or distress including our own Brethren, their immediate family, widows, partners and dependents of East Lancashire Mark Masons.
If you are alone, perhaps feeling vulnerable and insecure, and unable to turn to relatives or close friends for comfort and support I may be able to help. This could include financial support. I am currently helping some beneficiaries with general living expenses and with work within the home, including redecoration, floor coverings, minor building repairs, domestic appliances and even new televisions.
If you or your dependents have a medical problem but have been told by your doctor that the waiting list to see a Specialist Consultant is extremely long, I may be able to help by paying for a private appointment. This could help to get you into the medical system more quickly.
In addition, I can advise you on other Masonic Charities and help to put together a package that will benefit you or your family.
Sometimes it is much easier to discuss your problems with a comparative stranger, rather than a friend or member of the Lodge.
So, if you feel I may be able to help in any way, please contact me by phone, email or letter.
Wishing you a happy Christmas and a prosperous and healthy New Year.


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