Constitution Mark & RAM Installation Meetings took place on Tuesday, 18th November 2015 at Manchester Hall, Bridge Street, Manchester. The Lodges were Honoured by the presence of WBro Anthony John Davies PGStwd, APGM accompanied by a Provincial Deputation.
RAM: The Worshipful Commander Elevated Bro Stephen Thomson. The Lodge donated £300 to the Mark 2021 Festival and £200 was donated to ELMBF.
MARK: Worshipful Master WBro Martin Caller Installed Bro Stephen Thomson, Master Elect as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year. WM Stephen Thomson on the 2nd rising presented two cheques to WBro Tony Davies APGM. The Lodge donated £300 to the Mark 2021 Festival and £200 was donated to ELMBF.

During the Social Board WM Stephen Thomson handed over the 4 cheques to the APGM and thanked him for his first visit in his current rank to the Lodge. He also thanked the Provincial Deputation Team, Officers of the Lodge and the Visitors.
28 Brethren dined and the raffle raised the sum of £190.
The APGM passionately mentioned that as the Craft Festival is now over, Lodges should be concentrating in raising funds for the 2021 Festival. Such Festivals only come around every 42 years or so and give the Province a good name. He also mentioned one of the methods for raising money is for members to commit to a monthly standing order of £5 per month (or more!). There are also Festival Representatives who can be invited to Lodges to raise the awareness of the Festival. So far in a short space of time the Festival 2021 has raised £65,000.
Mark Rowe 19th November 2015
Another great evening, Constitution sets a high bar when it comes to the work in the lodge. I don’t think I have seen a better installation ceremony.
Constitution is a vibrant friendly lodge with a number of new members.