Customary whistle and yellow cards in evidence

Rugby Football Mark Lodge No. 1965 met at Rochdale Masonic Hall on 30th January. The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Alex McLaren was in attendance.

After the usual administrative items, WBro Peter Brooks-Tee PProvGSwdB was declared WM for the ensuing year. Following this, Bro Philip Moore was advanced by the WM, Bro Steven Graham and the Officers of the Lodge.

The PGM then presented a Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro Andrew Beaumont.

Following the closing of the Lodge at 8.14 pm, the brethren retired to the bar and dinner. The customary whistle and yellow cards were in evidence to the enjoyment of all present. The Second Golden Draw ticket was also drawn during the evening and the spoils went to Stanley Lodge 1454 Audenshaw

After a successful raffle, the Final whistle was blown at 10.15.

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