Darwen Mark 1327 – Installation

The PGM, RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren receiving cheques from the newly installed WM, WBro Edwin Schofield.The Installation Meeting of The Darwen Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 1327 took place on Monday, 19th October 2015 at Darwen Masonic Hall. The Lodge was honoured by the presence of the
Provincial Grand Master, RWBro. Alexander S. McLaren who was accompanied by a Provincial Deputation of 27 Acting Provincial Officers of the year.

The PGM, RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren receiving cheques from the newly installed WM, WBro Edwin Schofield. The PGM, RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren receiving cheques from the newly installed WM, WBro Edwin Schofield.

WM Francis Salt Installed WBro Edwin Schofield as Worshipful Master ably assisted by the Officers of the Lodge.

The  Social Board was attended by 60 diners, and the WM thanked the PGM and the members of Provincial Deputation Team for coming to visit the newly refurbished Darwen Masonic Hall. He also thanked the Officers of his Lodge and their Visitors for making the evening most enjoyable.

The WM then presented two cheques to the PGM for the donations the Lodge had made to the Mark 2021 Festival £200 and £35 to defray the cost of Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Meeting.

Following the raffle, the WM announced that the proceeds (£280) would also go towards the Mark 2021 Festival making a total contribution on the night of £480.

In return, the PGM thanked the Lodge for their generous donations. He also mentioned that there are various degrees of Patronage available for all contributions that individuals and Lodges make during the Festival, details are available from Lodge Secretaries.


One thought on “Darwen Mark 1327 – Installation

  1. Mark Rowe Reply

    The festive board was a fine occasion with lots of good humour between West and East Lancashire Mark Masons. It was great to see The Lodge was progressing and that was demonstrated by two new joining members, Bro William S Johnson, and W Bro J M Rimmer GSO (WL). It was good to see a returning member re-join and the Provincial Grand Master congratulated Bill on doing that and it was good to see a West Lancs Mark Mason making the effort to stray across the border.
    Congratulations to Darwin Lodge for some good camaraderie, good will and fellowship it’s what makes Mark Masonry attractive to so many.

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