Daytime Lodge in Manchester

Union Mark Lodge No 32 of Mark Masons held their daytime Lodge meeting at Manchester Hall on Wednesday, 8th March. The Lodge was opened at 11:15 by the Worshipful Master, Bro Allan Potter, PProvAGStB, who welcomed WBro Kevin M Reaney, APGM and 12 brethren including 4 visitors to the meeting.

The proceedings were opened by the Worshipful Master who then handed the reins over to WBro Howard Nuttall, PGJD, to conduct the installation ceremony for WBro Thomas Stewart Mills, PAGStB, Master Elect, who installed him into the chair of Adoniram in a fitting manner. The new Worshipful Master thanked all the brethren for a wonderful ceremony and the rest of the newly appointed officers for taking office for the forthcoming year.

The Lodge concluded its business and closed at 12:25. Onto the social board where all 13 brethren sat down to a traditional 3-course lunch. A most enjoyable meeting indeed

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