Designated a Lodge of Instruction

Semper Paratus Mark Lodge No 852 has now been designated a Lodge of Instruction and they held their meeting at Audenshaw Masonic Hall on Thursday, 10th February. In attendance was RWBro John H Smith, ProvGM, along with RWBro Alexander S McLaren, PastProvGM

The Worshipful Master, Leslie Baker opened the Lodge at 6:05 and he welcomed the 23 brethren who were in attendance especially those brethren of 5, who like himself, had travelled down from Durham to conduct the meeting.

The main business of the evening was to talk about the future of the Lodge and how it can move forward, not only to encourage new members to join Semper Paratus but also to build up a team of brethren who have particular skills in demonstrating a Mark ceremony. Very interesting points were made by RWBro John Smith and RWBro Alex Mclaren that this will not happen overnight and everyone must be patient until things get back to normal.

The Lodge closed at 7:10 and onto the social as 21 Brethren sat down to a hearty 3-course meal with much banter and chatting. The raffle was conducted by the charity steward and raised £101 towards good causes. A very interesting evening was had by us all

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